
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4826 From: michaelthomasn Date: 5/7/2012
Subject: SnapAmp input and output channels w/diff encoders
I'm a little confused about how the input and output channels are selected in the config and flash screen.

I am using dc brushed servos with the SnapAmp. I believe the output channels are axis channel number + 8.

Is that correct?

I am using the differential encoder inputs on the SnapAmp.....how do I determine the input channel number?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4828 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/7/2012
Subject: Re: SnapAmp input and output channels w/diff encoders
Hi Mike,
Correct for a single SnapAmp the 4 Full Bridge Outputs to drive 4 Brush Motors would be numbered 8-11 set as OutputChan0 (OutputChan1 unused/don't care).
Also the SnapAmp 4 encoder inputs are numbered 8-11 set as InputChan0 (InputChan1 unused/dont'care).